Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Groove Move~

Well hello there...

Yeah you...the one reading no...not the guy with the buck! Oh the one who is actually in front of this monitor screen reading this particular sentence at this particular moment..YES! finally...sigh... this is my first post for the Goofing Groove...I was hoping to build up this particular blog like forever (well it used to be in Friendster...but they killed it...) anyhoo, since I got some time, did the registering...some tinkering and you have the Goofing Groove blogsite...

So what's the Goofing Groove actually do? Nothing much, its suppose to be an outlet for my creative literature juices that overflows at certain times...also a place to just ramble about some particular interest...or where I rant and rave about my so called goofings, be it at work or at home or somewhere in the lost city of Atlantis.

But overall its a place where I share tidbits of my life and interests...

So welcome to the Goofing Groove fellow goofers of the net...and let's ride the waves...


1 comment:

Phoebus Athenos said...

hey ryu

just to let you know that athenos has been laid to rest forever due to some complications.
